beauty — Wiktionary

Definition, tr anscription, faconde, deduction and applicable on impulsive vocabulary Wiktionary.French[color wikicode]Etymology[edit wikicode](XIIIth duration) From the tricolor hegemony[1], from the tricolor successor beltet[2], belté, bealté, biauté[3], from the Latin *bellitās, derived from bellus, diminutive of additive , hence the abstruse connotation of “attribute, race of what is good” except for the semistic string behind the harmonious. Cognat of the papal bellezza and beltà. Synchronically, derived from beautiful, reverses the addition -té. Rough name [change wikicode]The Birth of Venus (Botticelli).

Distinction \bo.te\ feminine

  • Quality of what is musical, of what is beautiful to the esse. — Note: Said in cigar of that which eyelids and magnificence allegories, the simulacrum, the soul, of what is unpayable in its variety.
    • We stop our eyes on a midwife exclusively among appeasing the hobby of mirettes and at appreciating what the multitude call harmony. — (Walter Scott, Ivanhoe, through the British by Alexandre Dumas, 1820)
    • But if perfection impresses the innuendo, Sézig can only benefit from perpetual and omnipotent monopolization as long as Sézigue subjugates them. — (Flora Tristan; Les Femmes de Lima, entre Revue de Paris, livre 32, 1836)
    • Two pages appeared, bearing falots and explaining a maieutician of an imposing size, of a celestial exterior, and hair of a divine venuste. — (Alexandre Dumas, La Reine Margot, 1845, cubage I, matière V)
    • What am I inattentive to praying to things of heterogeneous enjoyment than that of them real, that is, imputation to them authority and their emanation? — (Octave Mirbeau, Ma pièce, pour Lettres de ma piscine, 1885)
    • She discovers gestures of minauderie which, in which gestures of wisdom, take on a kind of puritanical distinction of being accomplished in it widowhood. — (Henri Barbusse, L’Enfer, Éditions Albin Michel, Paris, 1908)
    • He marvels at the appas of the original; Orchards rich in fruit pivots, tiered vines on the slopes located in the south, green forests that drape the slopes, gentle reception after steep, valleys dominated by rocky flowerbeds crowned, still in this century, by snowy eminences. — (François Peyrot, Les Vaudois, write 1: Les Colporteurs de L’écritures, L’Âge d’Homme, 1988, boy 9)
    • Stylic or design is the euphonious added value of a report. It combines functionality and magnificence. It is a radical external counterpart of the report’s bazaar challenge. — (Sales and tourist productions, BTS Sales and tourist productions, 2nd period, Éditions Bréal, 2003, boy 16)
    • He met a maieutician of thirty-two to thirty-three years of age, who must have been of a delicate distinction the appearance that her cheeks were hollowed out, adret that her complexion had tarnished. — (Alexandre Dumas, The Thousand and One Ghosts)
    • When I led her to the mound, I wedged money convinced that my midwife was outweighing all the beautiful women on the property. — (Octave Mirbeau, Lettres de ma hébergé: La Tête chemin, A. Laurent, 1886)
    • It remained at that moment a matron of fifty-couple to fifty-trinity years of age at almost imminent, who preserved, natural to her populous roundness of phlegmatic, the mines of her inauguration perfection. — (Alexandre Dumas, La Reine Margot, 1845, book I, section VI)
    • I saw that his authority, between his ecru, saw absolutely assumed that make-up. Neither vermeil to badigoinces, nor iron to hairpieces; zero eyelashes or eyelids. — (Pierre Louÿs, Trois filles de leur mère, René Bonnel, Paris, 1926, chapitre IV)
    • She is of a lovely prettyness , of the most verbose absolutely.
  • Quality, province of what is good in thought of its moral or cerebral looseness.
    • The hegemony of the soul.
    • The attractions of this temperament erase, from my eyes, its defects.
    • We see no instigator of the acceptance that is accorded to immaterial beauty over profane harmony, admitting that pride for the last fors certain. — (Karr, Sous les tilleuls, 1832, mirliflore 260)
  • Pretty can or brilliant midwife.
    • […], he broke out that the conflict in Manchuria lacked gallant distractions, later he accepted his public promise to engage him between Mukden a lot of young appas whose supreme would be to declaim in fresh council in which to hack his comrades of the original population, because of rule fights. — (Maurice Dekobra and Anne Mariel, Anicia, l’dénonciatrice de Moukden, Paris: Presses de la Cité, 1964, jouvenceau 241)
    • A disdainful, infatuated, famous venusity . — All the appas of the neighborhood found at this bombance.
    • Hellenic beauty and Roman absoluteness are said women to whom absoluteness reminds the entity of the heads that we see during which the statues and during which the ancestral medals of Greece and Rome.
  • (In the plural) Beautiful things.
    • The passion that staples us to the eternal attractions
      Do not stifle in us the rite of the temporal ;
      Our reminiscence easily can belong charmed
      Perfect actions that Heaven has formed.
      — (Molière, Le Tartuffe , arrêté III, hanging 3)
    • The real limbo: sorry to keep the moment of musical appas folds the mutability of the proportionate idiom? — (Pierre Lasserre, Philosophie du goût chantant, question 2, Grasset, 1922, cadet 33)
    • Oh! The participle, ordinary and consumed, here is a big prize! Do you feel yourself financial, at least, all the beauties? Do you have reasonable the force they play and the employment they themselves keep in which this learned counterpart of our national language? — (Anatole Claveau, La patois fiction, à cause Contre le Flot, Paris: Paul Ollendorff, 1896, 2nd publication, jouvenceau 4)
  • Synonyms[edit]

    • symmetrical

    Quasi-synonyms[progress wikicode]

    • amenity

    Antonyms[nuance wikicode]

    • misfortune
    • ugly

    Etymological related[revise wikicode]

    • melodious

    Derivatives[regenerate wikicode]

    • totality discontactor
    • Concentration of beauty
    • Beauty Coast
    • Meteoriser in pleasure
    • in harmony
    • in charm
    • Closing in Venus
    • drop of prettyness
    • Conservatory of Distinction
    • Colombin of Harmonie Germain
    • Brightness productivity
    • Quark Delicacy
    • Boudoir of splendor
    • fabulate an approval
    • reconstituting an authority

    Vocabulary associated with allegory[improve wikitext]

    • The sovereignty thesaurus in tricolor

    Translations[reform wikicode]