AMS Continuing Education Database – Courses

The Department of Labour Market Research and Vocational Information – ABI for short – deals with the areas of labour market statistics, occupational information and qualification research.

Its tasks include the production of information materials (folders, brochures,…), the development, provision and updating of online tools to support the search for makeup education, profession, trends in the labour market, etc.

The publication of the current unemployment statistics as well as internal and external public relations work are also among the core tasks of this department.

The continuing education database is a free platform provided by the Public Employment Service. Here, course institutes can independently enter and maintain their offers at any time or keep them up to date. The Public Employment Service assumes NO responsibility for the topicality of these offers.

Here you will find forms, brochures and further information material for download

  • Interactive catalogue of career information brochures
    Recommended procedure: Download the catalog in pdf format and save it to your computer => Download => Open the saved catalog (Adobe Reader required). From the table of contents on the first page or the navigation bar (at the bottom of each page) you can click on the short descriptions. If you want to open or download a brochure, click on the corresponding green download button.
    Ordering option: The AMS will be happy to send you printed brochures by post (up to 2 copies free of charge) = > order form
  • Career orientation and career choice
    Well-prepared and considered career choice increases the chances of making the right decisions. Brochures, such as “Tips for choosing a career” and videos on various topics provide many suggestions and help.
  • Girls & Women
    The AMS supports women and girls in choosing a career and qualification, in finding work and returning to work after maternity leave. Various brochures and videos with lots of information and suggestions are available here.
  • Apprenticeships
    Which apprenticeships are available in the most important occupational fields? What training contents do they have in common and how do they differ?
  • Occupations by school
    Are you looking for a vocational school, but don’t know which one is suitable? Or are you looking for a suitable school because you want to pursue a certain profession later?
  • Occupations by higher education
    In addition to basic study information such as teaching content, examinations and student numbers, these brochures deal in particular with the career opportunities of graduates of the described fields of study.
  • Further education
    Continuing vocational training is becoming increasingly important. Open-mindedness towards new developments and willingness to learn are important prerequisites for professional success and job security.
  • Promising professions
    The AMS Qualification Barometer shows you what opportunities you have with which qualifications. In the brochures of the series “Professions …” you can find out more about the individual professions.

Are you facing an educational decision, about to return to work or at a career turning point and have many questions? The BerufsInfoZentren (BIZ) of the AMS support you in finding the right profession as well as in catching up on educational qualifications and inform you about job opportunities!

BIS Vocational and Educational Guidance

The choice of profession or training is an important decision! The BIS Berater_innen take the time for a detailed personal or telephone conversation and plan your future with you. Just make a free appointment on!

Those who know themselves better will find their way more easily! The AMS Berufskompass provides your personal result as well as suitable career suggestions – online and as a PDF. The BIS Berater_innen are happy to help interpret the test result. Just make a free appointment on!

Already at the first contact with your future employer you can do a lot right! The AMS application portal offers instructions and checklists from the first step in the application process to salary negotiations as well as numerous templates.

The BIS of the AMS offers lectures and workshops throughout the year on topics related to work, education and the labour market. Register online now at Participation in all offers is of course free of charge!

Orientation, information and advice on career, education and the labour market at over 72 locations throughout Austria and under

Continuing vocational training is more important today than ever. The current continuing education landscape offers good conditions for meeting the new challenges. But those who have the choice are also spoilt for choice. The wide range of further education opportunities, educational institutions and seminars is hardly manageable.

The Austrian Public Employment Service offers you a comprehensive database to help you find the best opportunities for further training.

The AMS strives to keep the database constantly up to date and expand. However, the information on training providers and seminars is updated by the providers on their own responsibility.

We ask you to take into account that the AMS is not responsible for the content of the information, as the educational institutions have provided the information themselves.

Suggestions and comments by e-mail to

Many of the AMS measures presented here are co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The continuing education database is a free platform provided by the Public Employment Service. Here, course institutes can independently enter and maintain their offers at any time or keep them up to date. The Public Employment Service accepts NO responsibility for the topicality of these offers.News from the Training CompassIDTitelCategoryDate

In the institute area you can manage your institute data and seminars. Please note that the funded courses are registered directly by your AMS service point. After registration, the entire portfolio of the continuing education database is available to you.

You are not yet registered as an institute in the continuing education database and would like to make yourself and your seminars known to a broad audience? Then register now!

Maintenance Area / Registration